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How to Efficiently Remove Hijackers from Your Amazon Listing

2024-07-09 04:24:46

In the competitive world of Amazon selling, hijackers can significantly impact your business by taking over your product listings. These unauthorized sellers often undercut your prices, sell counterfeit or low-quality products, and damage your brand's reputation. If you're facing this issue, it's crucial to act swiftly and efficiently. Here are some steps to remove hijackers from your Amazon listing.

1. Identify the Hijackers

The first step is to identify whether your listing has been hijacked. Signs of a hijacked listing include:

  • Price Drops: Sudden, significant drops in your product's price.
  • Changes in Buy Box Ownership: Losing the Buy Box to an unknown seller.
  • Customer Complaints: Receiving complaints about product quality, which you didn't sell.
  • Multiple Sellers: Seeing other sellers offering your branded product at lower prices.

2. Document the Hijacking

Once you've identified a hijacker, it's essential to document everything. Take screenshots of the following:

  • The hijacker’s seller profile.
  • The ASIN with the hijacker’s offer.
  • Any changes in the listing details (title, images, description).
  • Customer complaints and reviews indicating counterfeit or poor-quality products.

3. Contact the Hijacker Directly

Before escalating the issue to Amazon, try to resolve it directly with the hijacker. Send a professional yet firm message stating that they are selling your product without authorization and request that they cease and desist immediately.

4. File a Complaint with Amazon

If the hijacker doesn't respond or refuses to remove their listing, you need to escalate the issue to Amazon. Here's how:

  • Report a Violation: Go to Amazon's Report Infringement page and fill out the necessary details. Provide all the documentation you've gathered.
  • Submit a Trademark Infringement Complaint: If you have a registered trademark, you can file a complaint under Amazon's Brand Registry. This process typically results in faster resolution.
  • Use the Brand Registry: Enroll your brand in Amazon Brand Registry if you haven't already. This gives you access to powerful tools to protect your listings and brand.

5. Monitor Your Listings Regularly

Even after successfully removing hijackers, it's essential to regularly monitor your listings to ensure they remain secure. Tools like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and AMZ Alert can help you track changes to your listings and alert you to potential hijackings.

6. Enhance Your Brand Protection

Taking proactive steps can further protect your listings from hijackers:

  • Unique Branding: Use unique branding elements like logos and custom packaging that are hard to replicate.
  • Special Offers: Offer promotions that hijackers can't match, such as bundling products or providing exclusive customer service.
  • Enhanced Brand Content: Utilize Amazon's Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) to create rich, branded product descriptions that deter hijackers who can't replicate the same level of detail.


Dealing with hijackers on your Amazon listing can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can efficiently remove them and protect your brand. By identifying hijackers early, documenting their actions, contacting them directly, filing complaints with Amazon, and enhancing your brand protection, you can maintain control over your listings and ensure your customers receive genuine, high-quality products.

For professional assistance with hijacker removal and other Amazon listing issues, visit NAW Protect. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you secure your Amazon business and achieve success.

How to Efficiently Remove Hijackers from Your Amazon Listing

2024-07-09 04:24:46

In the competitive world of Amazon selling, hijackers can significantly impact your business by taking over your product listings. These unauthorized sellers often undercut your prices, sell counterfeit or low-quality products, and damage your brand's reputation. If you're facing this issue, it's crucial to act swiftly and efficiently. Here are some steps to remove hijackers from your Amazon listing.

1. Identify the Hijackers

The first step is to identify whether your listing has been hijacked. Signs of a hijacked listing include:

  • Price Drops: Sudden, significant drops in your product's price.
  • Changes in Buy Box Ownership: Losing the Buy Box to an unknown seller.
  • Customer Complaints: Receiving complaints about product quality, which you didn't sell.
  • Multiple Sellers: Seeing other sellers offering your branded product at lower prices.

2. Document the Hijacking

Once you've identified a hijacker, it's essential to document everything. Take screenshots of the following:

  • The hijacker’s seller profile.
  • The ASIN with the hijacker’s offer.
  • Any changes in the listing details (title, images, description).
  • Customer complaints and reviews indicating counterfeit or poor-quality products.

3. Contact the Hijacker Directly

Before escalating the issue to Amazon, try to resolve it directly with the hijacker. Send a professional yet firm message stating that they are selling your product without authorization and request that they cease and desist immediately.

4. File a Complaint with Amazon

If the hijacker doesn't respond or refuses to remove their listing, you need to escalate the issue to Amazon. Here's how:

  • Report a Violation: Go to Amazon's Report Infringement page and fill out the necessary details. Provide all the documentation you've gathered.
  • Submit a Trademark Infringement Complaint: If you have a registered trademark, you can file a complaint under Amazon's Brand Registry. This process typically results in faster resolution.
  • Use the Brand Registry: Enroll your brand in Amazon Brand Registry if you haven't already. This gives you access to powerful tools to protect your listings and brand.

5. Monitor Your Listings Regularly

Even after successfully removing hijackers, it's essential to regularly monitor your listings to ensure they remain secure. Tools like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and AMZ Alert can help you track changes to your listings and alert you to potential hijackings.

6. Enhance Your Brand Protection

Taking proactive steps can further protect your listings from hijackers:

  • Unique Branding: Use unique branding elements like logos and custom packaging that are hard to replicate.
  • Special Offers: Offer promotions that hijackers can't match, such as bundling products or providing exclusive customer service.
  • Enhanced Brand Content: Utilize Amazon's Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) to create rich, branded product descriptions that deter hijackers who can't replicate the same level of detail.


Dealing with hijackers on your Amazon listing can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can efficiently remove them and protect your brand. By identifying hijackers early, documenting their actions, contacting them directly, filing complaints with Amazon, and enhancing your brand protection, you can maintain control over your listings and ensure your customers receive genuine, high-quality products.

For professional assistance with hijacker removal and other Amazon listing issues, visit NAW Protect. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you secure your Amazon business and achieve success.



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