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Did CBSE Delete Any Chapters From Class 10 Sanskrit?

2024-12-20 04:45:42

Did CBSE Delete Any Chapters from Class 10 Sanskrit? Check Out the Updated Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus for CBSE Boards 2024-25.

Lately, a lot of confusion has been going on among the students about whether the chapters from class 10 Sanskrit books are deleted or not and if deleted what chapters are those. So in this article, we are going to clear the air around this confusion by doing a comparative analysis of the sanskrit syllabus for Class 10 2024-25. 

Sanskrit is offered as a second language in Class 10. So as expected the syllabus was a little bulky but last year CBSE surprised us by deleting a few chapters and topics from the syllabus. It reduced the syllabus in the year 2023-204 by 30%. This deleted syllabus has not only given a huge relief to students but also provided them with more time to study the remaining syllabus.

CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10: Overall Analysis

The Class 10 Sanskrit Board Paper is of 100 Marks out of which 80 marks are for the written exam and 20 Marks are for the Internal Assessment. The written paper is divided into four sections as follows

  • Section A (Unseen Passage)  = 10 marks

  • Section B ( Creative Writing) = 15 marks

  • Section C ( Applied Grammar) =  25 marks

  • Section D ( Seen Passage) = 30 marks

Internal Assessment = 20 marks

This is just an overview of how the syllabus marks are divided as per the syllabus. Let's go further deep to explore topic-wise distribution as per the latest Syllabus of Class 10 Sanskrit 2024-2025.

CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10: Section-wise Analysis (2024-25)

Below we have provided the section-wise analysis of the sanskrit syllabus Class 10 (2024-25) for better understanding. 





अपठित अवबोधनम्


अपठित गद्यांश:


रचनात्मक कार्यम्


औपचारिक/ अनौपचारिक पत्रम्


चित्रवर्णनम्/ अनुच्छेदलेखनम्


हिंदी/ आङ्ग्लभाषा संस्कृतेन अनुवादः


अनुप्रयुक्त कारणम्
















पठित अवबोधनम्


पठित गद्यांश:


पठित पद्यांश:


पठित नाट्यांश:




अन्वयः/ भावार्थः


घटनाक्रमानुसारं वाक्यलेखनम्


प्रसङ्गानुकूलम् अर्थचयनम्


आंतरिक मूल्याङ्कन


आवधिक-परीक्षाः (Periodic Assessment) (05) + बहुविधमूल्याङ्कनम् (05) + निवेसूचिका (Portfolio) (05) + श्रवण, वाचन एवं लेखनकौशलम् (05)




Important Notes: 

भाग घ: साहित्य (LITERATURE) - शेमुषी


दशमः पाठ: - भूकंपविभीषिका

(⚠️) This topic has not been removed from the NCERT Syllabus but has been removed from the CBSE Syllabus

Students who are appearing for the 2024-2025 class 10 board exam are advised to go through the updated sanskrit syllabus class 10 2024-25. This will further clear their doubts regarding the chapter deletion. 

What are the Benefits of Reduced CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10

As the CBSE has deleted some chapters and topics from its Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10 in the year 2023-2024 it has reduced the huge burden on the students who are to appear in Sanskrit Board Exam 024-2025. There are various benefits to doing this.

  • Deleted chapters have reduced the curriculum overload thereby leaving more time in the hands of students to prepare for the other subjects and take part in extracurricular activities. 

  • A reduced syllabus allows the teachers and students to focus on important topics covered in the syllabus which leads to better understanding and retention of the concepts, unlike a bulky syllabus.  

  • A shorter syllabus increases the interest of the students in the subject and thus increases the student's engagement.

  • As the reduced syllabus focuses on important topics and concepts, it is better aligned with the study goals and objectives of the subject.

  • The deleted syllabus reduces the pressure on the students. This makes them feel less overwhelmed reducing exam anxiety and stress. 

Syllabus Class 10 Sanskrit 2024-25: Important Topics

The most important topics covered in the Class 10 Sanskrit CBSE syllabus are grammar, composition, comprehension, and literature. Along with this Sandhi, conjugations, and declensions are also important and are covered in grammar. The main objective of comprehension is to read and understand Sanskrit literature. Essay writing and letters are part of the composition, and passages from Sanskrit literature are covered in the literary portion.

How To Prepare For The Class 10 Sanskrit Board Exam

As the CBSE has updated the Sanskrit Syllabus for Class 10 2024-25, the syllabus has been reduced by almost 30%  for the year 2023-2024.  With this new updated syllabus, the burden to cover the extra syllabus has been reduced for the students. However, you still have to study Sanskrit if it is your second language. 

Prepare for the class 10 Sanskrit Board Exam with these simple tips:

  • Download the latest Syllabus of CBSE 10 Sanskrit

  • Get the printout of the syllabus and buy the rationalized Sanskrit book as per the syllabus of 2023-2024.

  •  Start preparing the chapters one by one. Make notes where necessary and practice the exercise question given at the end of the chapter. 

  • Solve sample papers of sanskrit class 10 for revision and practice. 

  • Practice writing the answers as this will reduce spelling errors.

These few simple tips if followed diligently will improve your board exam score by a fair increase in percentage. Do strictly follow the syllabus while preparing for the Sanskrit board exam and carefully go through what topic has NCERT deleted and what topic CBSE has deleted. There are minor variations so please prepare accordingly.

Did CBSE Delete Any Chapters From Class 10 Sanskrit?

2024-12-20 04:45:42

Did CBSE Delete Any Chapters from Class 10 Sanskrit? Check Out the Updated Class 10 Sanskrit Syllabus for CBSE Boards 2024-25.

Lately, a lot of confusion has been going on among the students about whether the chapters from class 10 Sanskrit books are deleted or not and if deleted what chapters are those. So in this article, we are going to clear the air around this confusion by doing a comparative analysis of the sanskrit syllabus for Class 10 2024-25. 

Sanskrit is offered as a second language in Class 10. So as expected the syllabus was a little bulky but last year CBSE surprised us by deleting a few chapters and topics from the syllabus. It reduced the syllabus in the year 2023-204 by 30%. This deleted syllabus has not only given a huge relief to students but also provided them with more time to study the remaining syllabus.

CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10: Overall Analysis

The Class 10 Sanskrit Board Paper is of 100 Marks out of which 80 marks are for the written exam and 20 Marks are for the Internal Assessment. The written paper is divided into four sections as follows

  • Section A (Unseen Passage)  = 10 marks

  • Section B ( Creative Writing) = 15 marks

  • Section C ( Applied Grammar) =  25 marks

  • Section D ( Seen Passage) = 30 marks

Internal Assessment = 20 marks

This is just an overview of how the syllabus marks are divided as per the syllabus. Let's go further deep to explore topic-wise distribution as per the latest Syllabus of Class 10 Sanskrit 2024-2025.

CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10: Section-wise Analysis (2024-25)

Below we have provided the section-wise analysis of the sanskrit syllabus Class 10 (2024-25) for better understanding. 





अपठित अवबोधनम्


अपठित गद्यांश:


रचनात्मक कार्यम्


औपचारिक/ अनौपचारिक पत्रम्


चित्रवर्णनम्/ अनुच्छेदलेखनम्


हिंदी/ आङ्ग्लभाषा संस्कृतेन अनुवादः


अनुप्रयुक्त कारणम्
















पठित अवबोधनम्


पठित गद्यांश:


पठित पद्यांश:


पठित नाट्यांश:




अन्वयः/ भावार्थः


घटनाक्रमानुसारं वाक्यलेखनम्


प्रसङ्गानुकूलम् अर्थचयनम्


आंतरिक मूल्याङ्कन


आवधिक-परीक्षाः (Periodic Assessment) (05) + बहुविधमूल्याङ्कनम् (05) + निवेसूचिका (Portfolio) (05) + श्रवण, वाचन एवं लेखनकौशलम् (05)




Important Notes: 

भाग घ: साहित्य (LITERATURE) - शेमुषी


दशमः पाठ: - भूकंपविभीषिका

(⚠️) This topic has not been removed from the NCERT Syllabus but has been removed from the CBSE Syllabus

Students who are appearing for the 2024-2025 class 10 board exam are advised to go through the updated sanskrit syllabus class 10 2024-25. This will further clear their doubts regarding the chapter deletion. 

What are the Benefits of Reduced CBSE Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10

As the CBSE has deleted some chapters and topics from its Sanskrit Syllabus Class 10 in the year 2023-2024 it has reduced the huge burden on the students who are to appear in Sanskrit Board Exam 024-2025. There are various benefits to doing this.

  • Deleted chapters have reduced the curriculum overload thereby leaving more time in the hands of students to prepare for the other subjects and take part in extracurricular activities. 

  • A reduced syllabus allows the teachers and students to focus on important topics covered in the syllabus which leads to better understanding and retention of the concepts, unlike a bulky syllabus.  

  • A shorter syllabus increases the interest of the students in the subject and thus increases the student's engagement.

  • As the reduced syllabus focuses on important topics and concepts, it is better aligned with the study goals and objectives of the subject.

  • The deleted syllabus reduces the pressure on the students. This makes them feel less overwhelmed reducing exam anxiety and stress. 

Syllabus Class 10 Sanskrit 2024-25: Important Topics

The most important topics covered in the Class 10 Sanskrit CBSE syllabus are grammar, composition, comprehension, and literature. Along with this Sandhi, conjugations, and declensions are also important and are covered in grammar. The main objective of comprehension is to read and understand Sanskrit literature. Essay writing and letters are part of the composition, and passages from Sanskrit literature are covered in the literary portion.

How To Prepare For The Class 10 Sanskrit Board Exam

As the CBSE has updated the Sanskrit Syllabus for Class 10 2024-25, the syllabus has been reduced by almost 30%  for the year 2023-2024.  With this new updated syllabus, the burden to cover the extra syllabus has been reduced for the students. However, you still have to study Sanskrit if it is your second language. 

Prepare for the class 10 Sanskrit Board Exam with these simple tips:

  • Download the latest Syllabus of CBSE 10 Sanskrit

  • Get the printout of the syllabus and buy the rationalized Sanskrit book as per the syllabus of 2023-2024.

  •  Start preparing the chapters one by one. Make notes where necessary and practice the exercise question given at the end of the chapter. 

  • Solve sample papers of sanskrit class 10 for revision and practice. 

  • Practice writing the answers as this will reduce spelling errors.

These few simple tips if followed diligently will improve your board exam score by a fair increase in percentage. Do strictly follow the syllabus while preparing for the Sanskrit board exam and carefully go through what topic has NCERT deleted and what topic CBSE has deleted. There are minor variations so please prepare accordingly.



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