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Size and weight of goods (how to sell on Amazon)

2020-05-03 13:34:06

Size and weight of goods

We do not look at this indicator by application, but by going to the page of each specific product from the top. Optionally, you can only look at the best-selling product and limit yourself to this, as this parameter is likely to be approximately the same for all products. Take, for example, this product from the TOP. We will find its weight and dimensions in the listing:

Weight and dimensions of goods are indicated at the bottom of the listing, in the detailed information for the goods.

Ideally, the weight of our first product should not exceed 1 kg and its volume in the package should be commensurate with the size of the shoe box. Otherwise, be prepared to pay a high price for transporting and storing such goods in the Amazon warehouse.

Size and weight of goods (how to sell on Amazon)

2020-05-03 13:34:06

Size and weight of goods

We do not look at this indicator by application, but by going to the page of each specific product from the top. Optionally, you can only look at the best-selling product and limit yourself to this, as this parameter is likely to be approximately the same for all products. Take, for example, this product from the TOP. We will find its weight and dimensions in the listing:

Weight and dimensions of goods are indicated at the bottom of the listing, in the detailed information for the goods.

Ideally, the weight of our first product should not exceed 1 kg and its volume in the package should be commensurate with the size of the shoe box. Otherwise, be prepared to pay a high price for transporting and storing such goods in the Amazon warehouse.



Profit (how to sell on Amazon)
Price (how to sell on Amazon)
Reviews (how to sell on Amazon)
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