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Sprеadin' thе Word about Crypto on еToro

2024-05-19 12:56:50

Hеy folks! So and you'vе hеard about еToro and right? Thеy'rе all about crypto tradin' in thе EU an' thе US. But kееp in mind and it is prеtty wild an' not rеgulatеd еvеrywhеrе. Plus and thеrе's no safеty nеt from thе EU if things go sidеways. And rеmеmbеr and tradin''s risky—you could losе what you put in.

Top Picks for Tradin' Exchangеs

Lеt's Divе Into thе Dеtails

Navigatin' thе Info Ocеan

So and Plus500's this big shot in thе tradin' gamе and dishin' out Contracts for Diffеrеncе likе nobody's businеss. You can tradе all sorts of stuff thеrе—stocks and forеx and crypto and you namе it. Plus500's runnin' thе show from all ovеr thе placе with shops in thе UK and Cyprus and Australia and Singaporе and an' Israеl.

In thе UK and thе FCA's got Plus500UK Ltd's back and whilе ovеr in Cyprus and CySEC's kееpin' an еyе on Plus500CY Ltd. Down undеr and ASIC's thе watchdog for Plus500AU Pty Ltd. Thе Monеtary Authority of Singaporе's got Plus500SG Ptе Ltd on a lеash and an' back in Israеl and Plus500IL Ltd's got its own tradin' licеnsе.

Plus500's a real stickler for rules, especially in the UK. Your cash is safe in its own little bank account, guarded by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You can trade in a bunch of languages on Plus500, and they've got a slick and easy-to-use platform. They've got a huge list of CFDs, including a cool index that tracks the top 10 cryptos. And guess what? They'll let you play around with a demo account for free, so you can get the hang of things without risking your dough. Ready to explore secure trading options? Visit for insights into top-rated mobile casinos and trading platforms.

If you'rе diggin' dееp into Plus500 and you'll find all thе nitty gritty in thеir rеviеw. But hеy and stuff changеs and so makе surе to hit up thеir sitе for thе latеst scoop.

How Trustworthy is Plus500?

Plus500's like Fort Knox for your data—everything's locked down with SSL when you send it over. They're not messing around with your money for their own games either. They keep it tucked away in separate accounts, all nice and cozy, following those strict money protection rules.

The Lowdown on Plus500 for CFD Trading

Want to trade CFDs for Bitcoin or Ethereum? Plus500's your place. They've also got some of the less famous cryptos to spice things up. And there's this unique Crypto 10 Index CFD they've cooked up just for you.

It's not just about cryptos, though. Plus500's got a whole menu of CFDs—stocks, forex, options, and even ETFs. You can peep the full menu on their website. No need for a crypto wallet here since you're trading CFDs, not hoarding the actual coins. They'll even let you leverage up to 1:3 on crypto trades, starting with just €100.

For you chart hawks out there, Plus500's got all the charting tools you know and love. And get this—in 2021, they rolled out a way to watch a bunch of charts on one screen, so you can keep your eyes on the prize, comparing stuff across time or checking out related assets. You can pack up to nine charts into one view—pretty slick.

Easy Peasy Trading

If you're going to trade on Plus500, you won't get lost. The platform is a breeze to use, and you can set up alerts to keep an eye on the prices of stuff you're into. It boils down to three kinds of alerts:

  • Price Alert – gives you a heads-up when something hits your target Buy or Sell price.

  • Change (%) – lets you know when something's price jumps or drops a certain amount.

  • Trader’s Sentiments – buzzes you when a bunch of people start buying or selling.

And hey, they've got an app for trading when you're out and about, for both Android and iOS.

Get Into Plus500 Trading

Getting started with Plus500 is super simple – just toss in your email and you're on your way. They've got some fees, but they lay it all out so there are no surprises. Forgot your password? No sweat, you can reset it easy.

Joining Plus500

Never traded before? No problem. Here's what you do to set up your Plus500 account:

Boom! You're all set with your Plus500 account. Check your email – there should be a little 'Welcome' there waiting for you.

First Time Login on Plus500

Once you're in for the first time, spill the beans on your personal info and prove you're you with some docs. Do it right, and you're golden to trade.

Prove You're Real

Before you can make a trade on Plus500, you've got to show them you're legit. They're strict about knowing their customers, so they'll want to see some ID and other details. Here's a tip: use a government ID with all your info on it. You'll also need some proof of where you live, like a bill or bank statement.

Depending on where you live, you might be able to do it all online or you might have to send in paper copies. Plus500 will also want to see your bank statement or card to check where your money's coming from. It might feel like a drag, but it's all to keep things above board and safe for everyone.

Trading Bitcoin CFDs on Plus500

Ready to dive into Bitcoin CFDs on Plus500? Make sure you've got cash in your account, then follow these steps:

Adding Funds to Plus500

Here's how to put money into your account. The smallest amount you can add depends on how you're paying – like if you're using a card, you'll need at least €100.

A window should pop up saying 'Your deposit was approved!'. Hang tight for your payment provider to put the funds into your Plus500 account.

Logged in? Great, now you can start buying Bitcoin CFDs on Plus500. Just do this:

Once you place your order, you'll see live updates on stuff like margin needed and how much you're making (or losing). To close out a position, just hit the ‘Close’ button next to it.

Heads up: CFDs are tricky and can make you lose cash fast because of leverage. 72% of regular folks lose money with CFDs at Plus500. Make sure you really get how CFDs work before jumping in. Want to know more about the risks? Check out Plus500's disclosure page.

CFDs are a whole other game from regular crypto trading, so you'll want to get these terms down:

  • CFD – it's a way to bet on price changes without actually owning the thing.

  • Spread – it's the gap between what people want to buy and sell something for.

  • Derivative – a fancy contract that gets its value from something else like an asset or index.

  • Pip – a teeny tiny move in currency prices.

  • Order – just telling the platform you want to buy or sell at a certain price.

  • Initial Margin – the least amount of dough you need to open a new position.

  • Maintenance Margin – the cash you need to keep a position open.

Cashing Out from Plus500

When you're ready to take your money out of Plus500, you've got options like bank transfer or e-wallets (think PayPal/Skrill). The least you can take out depends on how you're doing it. Here's how you get your cash:

After that, you should get a message saying 'Your withdrawal was successfully submitted'. It usually takes one day for them to handle it. Depending on your bank or payment provider, your funds will show up in your account.

Cryptos You Can Trade

Hey there! If you're curious about what cryptocurrencies you can trade with on Plus500, they've got quite the selection! They offer:

  • The ever-popular Bitcoin (BTCUSD)

  • Ethereum paired with Bitcoin (ETHBTC)

  • Good ol' Ethereum (ETHUSD)

  • A mix of the top cryptos with Crypto 10 Index (Crypto10)

  • Shiny Litecoin (LTCUSD)

  • Innovative NEO (NEOUSD)

  • Quick Ripple XRP (XRPUSD)

  • Unique IOTA (IOTUSD)

  • Private Monero (XMRUSD)

  • Stellar by name, stellar by nature (XLMUSD)

  • Dynamic EOS (EOSUSD)

  • Bitcoin Cash ABC (BABUSD), gotta love the diversity

  • Cardano, making waves as (ADAUSD)

  • And the energetic Tron (TRXUSD)

Excited to see the full lineup? Hop on over to the Plus500 website to check out all the crypto CFDs they support!

Who Can Trade?

Get this - Plus500 has its doors open for traders from more than 50 countries around the globe. That's a lot of buddies to trade with!

Trading Buddies Welcome

Unless your country is mentioned in the no-fly list coming up, you're good to go! Most countries in the EU, the UK, Australia, Switzerland, a bunch of places in the Middle East like the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, and even countries from the Americas like Mexico, Chile, and Colombia are all in. Oh, and let's not forget Israel and Argentina too!

Sorry, Not Today

Now, for the bummer part. If you're from the US, India, Japan, El Salvador, Belgium, Turkey, or Vietnam, Plus500 says "nope" – you can't trade with them right now.

Each trading platform has its own way of charging you for the fun of trading, and Plus500 is no exception. Let's talk dollars and cents.

What’ll It Cost Ya?

So, Plus500 makes its money from something called the market spread, which means no commission fees on your trades. Sweet, right? But, if you go for a ‘Guaranteed Stop Order’, they'll charge you a fee. Also, if you're the type who likes to keep positions open past a certain time, you might face an Overnight Funding fee.

Depending on which crypto you're into, the Overnight Funding can either take a tiny bit from your account or add a little extra. For instance, for Bitcoin (BTCUSD) the rate is 0% for a Sell and -0.0503% for a Buy. Check out the Plus500 Instruments page for the nitty-gritty on specific cryptos.

Heads up: Don't ghost your trading account for three months or you might get hit with a $10 inactivity fee. But hey, they only take it if you've got the cash there.

Plus500 deals in fixed or moving spreads. Imagine the spread as the gap between what you buy and sell your crypto for. A moving spread can wiggle around while your trade is open, but a fixed spread stays, well, fixed, from when you open your trade to when you close it.

Want the deets on spread fees for different cryptos? You'll find them on the Plus500 Instruments page, along with other helpful info like initial and maintenance margins, leverage, and those Overnight Funding fees.

Just so you know, here are some recent spread fees:

  • Bitcoin (BTCUSD) : 36.01, 0.41%

  • Ethereum/Bitcoin (ETHBTC): 0.0003, 1.35%

  • Ethereum (ETHUSD): 2, 0.93%

  • Crypto 10 Index (Crypto10): 39.7, 1.25%

  • Litecoin (LTCUSD): 0.62, 0.67%

  • NEO (NEOUSD): 0.2, 1.69%

  • Ripple XRP (XRPUSD): 0.0062, 1.98%

  • IOTA (IOTUSD): 0.01, 3.28%

  • Monero (XMRUSD): 1.75, 2.18%

  • Stellar (XLMUSD): 0.021,2.46%

  • EOS (EOSUSD): 0.044, 0.98%

  • Bitcoin Cash ABC (BABUSD): 2.58, 0.86%

  • Cardano (ADAUSD): 0.0009, 1.56%

  • Tron (TRXUSD): 0.0006, 2.62%

And here’s a nice surprise — Plus500 doesn't usually charge you for putting money in or taking it out. But go over five withdrawals a month and bam, $10 fee. Also, if you're paying with an international credit card in a currency that's not supported, you might get hit with a conversion fee. Just FYI, that fee is set by your bank or payment provider, not Plus500.

A little word to the wise: CFDs are super tricky and come with a big risk. It's like, 72% of folks who trade CFDs with Plus500 end up with lighter pockets. So, do your homework, understand the risks, and think hard about if you're cool with the chance of losing your dough. For more scary details about the risks, definitely check out Plus500's risk disclosure page.

Understanding Your Financial Boundaries

Hey there! Just a heads up, the amount of money you can put in or take out changes based on how you pay. You'll see these limits when you check out your account. Oh, and if you're using a card, the smallest amount you can move is €100. Ready to trade crypto with CFDs? Make sure your account's got enough cash to cover the initial margin, which you work out like this:

IM = opening price of your position x how big your trade is x 50% (yep, that's the set initial margin for crypto CFDs).

Remember, you can only double up on what you put in because that's the max leverage Plus500 gives you for crypto CFDs.

How to Pay or Get Paid

You've got options! Plus500 lets you use:

  • Plastic fantastic, like VISA or Mastercard

  • Good old bank transfer

  • Quick and easy PayPal

  • Or Skrill if that's your thing

Heads Up: Trading CFDs is no walk in the park. They're complex, and with leverage, you can lose your money faster than you can say "oops". Seriously, 72% of folks who invest in CFDs with Plus500 end up with less cash than they started with. So, make sure you know what you're doing before jumping in. Check out their risk info page for the lowdown on what could go wrong.

Keeping Your Account Safe

Plus500's got your back with a double security check using text messages. They'll also give you a shout if someone tries to log in from a new gizmo.

Got Questions? Get Answers!

No matter what time it is, Plus500 is there to help. Shoot them an email or WhatsApp message, and they'll get back to you pronto. They've also got a bunch of FAQs on their site if you just need quick info.

Choosing Your Trading Platform

Plus500 or eToro?

Both are legit and follow the rules, but while Plus500 won't charge you for moving your money, eToro might take a little off the top. Plus500's all about CFDs, but eToro actually lets you buy some cryptos outright.

Sprеadin' thе Word about Crypto on еToro

2024-05-19 12:56:50

Hеy folks! So and you'vе hеard about еToro and right? Thеy'rе all about crypto tradin' in thе EU an' thе US. But kееp in mind and it is prеtty wild an' not rеgulatеd еvеrywhеrе. Plus and thеrе's no safеty nеt from thе EU if things go sidеways. And rеmеmbеr and tradin''s risky—you could losе what you put in.

Top Picks for Tradin' Exchangеs

Lеt's Divе Into thе Dеtails

Navigatin' thе Info Ocеan

So and Plus500's this big shot in thе tradin' gamе and dishin' out Contracts for Diffеrеncе likе nobody's businеss. You can tradе all sorts of stuff thеrе—stocks and forеx and crypto and you namе it. Plus500's runnin' thе show from all ovеr thе placе with shops in thе UK and Cyprus and Australia and Singaporе and an' Israеl.

In thе UK and thе FCA's got Plus500UK Ltd's back and whilе ovеr in Cyprus and CySEC's kееpin' an еyе on Plus500CY Ltd. Down undеr and ASIC's thе watchdog for Plus500AU Pty Ltd. Thе Monеtary Authority of Singaporе's got Plus500SG Ptе Ltd on a lеash and an' back in Israеl and Plus500IL Ltd's got its own tradin' licеnsе.

Plus500's a real stickler for rules, especially in the UK. Your cash is safe in its own little bank account, guarded by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You can trade in a bunch of languages on Plus500, and they've got a slick and easy-to-use platform. They've got a huge list of CFDs, including a cool index that tracks the top 10 cryptos. And guess what? They'll let you play around with a demo account for free, so you can get the hang of things without risking your dough. Ready to explore secure trading options? Visit for insights into top-rated mobile casinos and trading platforms.

If you'rе diggin' dееp into Plus500 and you'll find all thе nitty gritty in thеir rеviеw. But hеy and stuff changеs and so makе surе to hit up thеir sitе for thе latеst scoop.

How Trustworthy is Plus500?

Plus500's like Fort Knox for your data—everything's locked down with SSL when you send it over. They're not messing around with your money for their own games either. They keep it tucked away in separate accounts, all nice and cozy, following those strict money protection rules.

The Lowdown on Plus500 for CFD Trading

Want to trade CFDs for Bitcoin or Ethereum? Plus500's your place. They've also got some of the less famous cryptos to spice things up. And there's this unique Crypto 10 Index CFD they've cooked up just for you.

It's not just about cryptos, though. Plus500's got a whole menu of CFDs—stocks, forex, options, and even ETFs. You can peep the full menu on their website. No need for a crypto wallet here since you're trading CFDs, not hoarding the actual coins. They'll even let you leverage up to 1:3 on crypto trades, starting with just €100.

For you chart hawks out there, Plus500's got all the charting tools you know and love. And get this—in 2021, they rolled out a way to watch a bunch of charts on one screen, so you can keep your eyes on the prize, comparing stuff across time or checking out related assets. You can pack up to nine charts into one view—pretty slick.

Easy Peasy Trading

If you're going to trade on Plus500, you won't get lost. The platform is a breeze to use, and you can set up alerts to keep an eye on the prices of stuff you're into. It boils down to three kinds of alerts:

  • Price Alert – gives you a heads-up when something hits your target Buy or Sell price.

  • Change (%) – lets you know when something's price jumps or drops a certain amount.

  • Trader’s Sentiments – buzzes you when a bunch of people start buying or selling.

And hey, they've got an app for trading when you're out and about, for both Android and iOS.

Get Into Plus500 Trading

Getting started with Plus500 is super simple – just toss in your email and you're on your way. They've got some fees, but they lay it all out so there are no surprises. Forgot your password? No sweat, you can reset it easy.

Joining Plus500

Never traded before? No problem. Here's what you do to set up your Plus500 account:

Boom! You're all set with your Plus500 account. Check your email – there should be a little 'Welcome' there waiting for you.

First Time Login on Plus500

Once you're in for the first time, spill the beans on your personal info and prove you're you with some docs. Do it right, and you're golden to trade.

Prove You're Real

Before you can make a trade on Plus500, you've got to show them you're legit. They're strict about knowing their customers, so they'll want to see some ID and other details. Here's a tip: use a government ID with all your info on it. You'll also need some proof of where you live, like a bill or bank statement.

Depending on where you live, you might be able to do it all online or you might have to send in paper copies. Plus500 will also want to see your bank statement or card to check where your money's coming from. It might feel like a drag, but it's all to keep things above board and safe for everyone.

Trading Bitcoin CFDs on Plus500

Ready to dive into Bitcoin CFDs on Plus500? Make sure you've got cash in your account, then follow these steps:

Adding Funds to Plus500

Here's how to put money into your account. The smallest amount you can add depends on how you're paying – like if you're using a card, you'll need at least €100.

A window should pop up saying 'Your deposit was approved!'. Hang tight for your payment provider to put the funds into your Plus500 account.

Logged in? Great, now you can start buying Bitcoin CFDs on Plus500. Just do this:

Once you place your order, you'll see live updates on stuff like margin needed and how much you're making (or losing). To close out a position, just hit the ‘Close’ button next to it.

Heads up: CFDs are tricky and can make you lose cash fast because of leverage. 72% of regular folks lose money with CFDs at Plus500. Make sure you really get how CFDs work before jumping in. Want to know more about the risks? Check out Plus500's disclosure page.

CFDs are a whole other game from regular crypto trading, so you'll want to get these terms down:

  • CFD – it's a way to bet on price changes without actually owning the thing.

  • Spread – it's the gap between what people want to buy and sell something for.

  • Derivative – a fancy contract that gets its value from something else like an asset or index.

  • Pip – a teeny tiny move in currency prices.

  • Order – just telling the platform you want to buy or sell at a certain price.

  • Initial Margin – the least amount of dough you need to open a new position.

  • Maintenance Margin – the cash you need to keep a position open.

Cashing Out from Plus500

When you're ready to take your money out of Plus500, you've got options like bank transfer or e-wallets (think PayPal/Skrill). The least you can take out depends on how you're doing it. Here's how you get your cash:

After that, you should get a message saying 'Your withdrawal was successfully submitted'. It usually takes one day for them to handle it. Depending on your bank or payment provider, your funds will show up in your account.

Cryptos You Can Trade

Hey there! If you're curious about what cryptocurrencies you can trade with on Plus500, they've got quite the selection! They offer:

  • The ever-popular Bitcoin (BTCUSD)

  • Ethereum paired with Bitcoin (ETHBTC)

  • Good ol' Ethereum (ETHUSD)

  • A mix of the top cryptos with Crypto 10 Index (Crypto10)

  • Shiny Litecoin (LTCUSD)

  • Innovative NEO (NEOUSD)

  • Quick Ripple XRP (XRPUSD)

  • Unique IOTA (IOTUSD)

  • Private Monero (XMRUSD)

  • Stellar by name, stellar by nature (XLMUSD)

  • Dynamic EOS (EOSUSD)

  • Bitcoin Cash ABC (BABUSD), gotta love the diversity

  • Cardano, making waves as (ADAUSD)

  • And the energetic Tron (TRXUSD)

Excited to see the full lineup? Hop on over to the Plus500 website to check out all the crypto CFDs they support!

Who Can Trade?

Get this - Plus500 has its doors open for traders from more than 50 countries around the globe. That's a lot of buddies to trade with!

Trading Buddies Welcome

Unless your country is mentioned in the no-fly list coming up, you're good to go! Most countries in the EU, the UK, Australia, Switzerland, a bunch of places in the Middle East like the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, and even countries from the Americas like Mexico, Chile, and Colombia are all in. Oh, and let's not forget Israel and Argentina too!

Sorry, Not Today

Now, for the bummer part. If you're from the US, India, Japan, El Salvador, Belgium, Turkey, or Vietnam, Plus500 says "nope" – you can't trade with them right now.

Each trading platform has its own way of charging you for the fun of trading, and Plus500 is no exception. Let's talk dollars and cents.

What’ll It Cost Ya?

So, Plus500 makes its money from something called the market spread, which means no commission fees on your trades. Sweet, right? But, if you go for a ‘Guaranteed Stop Order’, they'll charge you a fee. Also, if you're the type who likes to keep positions open past a certain time, you might face an Overnight Funding fee.

Depending on which crypto you're into, the Overnight Funding can either take a tiny bit from your account or add a little extra. For instance, for Bitcoin (BTCUSD) the rate is 0% for a Sell and -0.0503% for a Buy. Check out the Plus500 Instruments page for the nitty-gritty on specific cryptos.

Heads up: Don't ghost your trading account for three months or you might get hit with a $10 inactivity fee. But hey, they only take it if you've got the cash there.

Plus500 deals in fixed or moving spreads. Imagine the spread as the gap between what you buy and sell your crypto for. A moving spread can wiggle around while your trade is open, but a fixed spread stays, well, fixed, from when you open your trade to when you close it.

Want the deets on spread fees for different cryptos? You'll find them on the Plus500 Instruments page, along with other helpful info like initial and maintenance margins, leverage, and those Overnight Funding fees.

Just so you know, here are some recent spread fees:

  • Bitcoin (BTCUSD) : 36.01, 0.41%

  • Ethereum/Bitcoin (ETHBTC): 0.0003, 1.35%

  • Ethereum (ETHUSD): 2, 0.93%

  • Crypto 10 Index (Crypto10): 39.7, 1.25%

  • Litecoin (LTCUSD): 0.62, 0.67%

  • NEO (NEOUSD): 0.2, 1.69%

  • Ripple XRP (XRPUSD): 0.0062, 1.98%

  • IOTA (IOTUSD): 0.01, 3.28%

  • Monero (XMRUSD): 1.75, 2.18%

  • Stellar (XLMUSD): 0.021,2.46%

  • EOS (EOSUSD): 0.044, 0.98%

  • Bitcoin Cash ABC (BABUSD): 2.58, 0.86%

  • Cardano (ADAUSD): 0.0009, 1.56%

  • Tron (TRXUSD): 0.0006, 2.62%

And here’s a nice surprise — Plus500 doesn't usually charge you for putting money in or taking it out. But go over five withdrawals a month and bam, $10 fee. Also, if you're paying with an international credit card in a currency that's not supported, you might get hit with a conversion fee. Just FYI, that fee is set by your bank or payment provider, not Plus500.

A little word to the wise: CFDs are super tricky and come with a big risk. It's like, 72% of folks who trade CFDs with Plus500 end up with lighter pockets. So, do your homework, understand the risks, and think hard about if you're cool with the chance of losing your dough. For more scary details about the risks, definitely check out Plus500's risk disclosure page.

Understanding Your Financial Boundaries

Hey there! Just a heads up, the amount of money you can put in or take out changes based on how you pay. You'll see these limits when you check out your account. Oh, and if you're using a card, the smallest amount you can move is €100. Ready to trade crypto with CFDs? Make sure your account's got enough cash to cover the initial margin, which you work out like this:

IM = opening price of your position x how big your trade is x 50% (yep, that's the set initial margin for crypto CFDs).

Remember, you can only double up on what you put in because that's the max leverage Plus500 gives you for crypto CFDs.

How to Pay or Get Paid

You've got options! Plus500 lets you use:

  • Plastic fantastic, like VISA or Mastercard

  • Good old bank transfer

  • Quick and easy PayPal

  • Or Skrill if that's your thing

Heads Up: Trading CFDs is no walk in the park. They're complex, and with leverage, you can lose your money faster than you can say "oops". Seriously, 72% of folks who invest in CFDs with Plus500 end up with less cash than they started with. So, make sure you know what you're doing before jumping in. Check out their risk info page for the lowdown on what could go wrong.

Keeping Your Account Safe

Plus500's got your back with a double security check using text messages. They'll also give you a shout if someone tries to log in from a new gizmo.

Got Questions? Get Answers!

No matter what time it is, Plus500 is there to help. Shoot them an email or WhatsApp message, and they'll get back to you pronto. They've also got a bunch of FAQs on their site if you just need quick info.

Choosing Your Trading Platform

Plus500 or eToro?

Both are legit and follow the rules, but while Plus500 won't charge you for moving your money, eToro might take a little off the top. Plus500's all about CFDs, but eToro actually lets you buy some cryptos outright.



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